Thursday, January 10, 2008

day 2

so here i am on the second day. it was a relatively easy day... class, chapel, class, pau. i was pau at noon, which was really nice. i got to get a lot of work done for the next week and outlined some of the things that i need to get done next week.

my room isn't flooded anymore. i don't know if i mentioned it earlier, but a pipe burst couple floors above and leaked into my room. the smell isn't in my room anymore, which is nice :)

it was nice to get back into the routine of chapel services. for the first time in a while, i felt really happy to be there. i think i was going through a "chapel dry-spell" or something. although i don't know if i agreed w/ what the campus pastor had to say on some issues... rather inappropriate, but whatever...

tom'w, the president is speaking in chapel. i like his messages. his voice is very soothing too, but what he has to say is very valid.

so i've made it so far... tornado and everything


Unknown said...

Your day two sounded pretty nice. ^_^ Haha, when you were saying "class, chapel, class, pau." I was all like huh? (Pau is one of my girlfriend's nicknames. =) hehe. Thats booty what happened about the pipe busting and the room leaking and the smell smelling...but I'm glad all that is over and done with. ^_^ You be good now ya hear?! =D