Tuesday, July 1, 2008

nasty notes

one of my top strengths is harmony. another one is discipline.

the rest are major encouragers.

those two first strengths are greatly going against eachother in my life lately. i've had this co-worker who is just not pulling their weight at work, talking back to customers and other co-workers, rude... and just inconsiderate.

there were times i've had to confront her and i've been so steamed (i don't normally get that angry at ppl) but she just takes the cake.

the managers refuse to confront her (they said they've tried)

they need to fire her.

today, she left without cleaning her tables or her other side cleaning jobs.

i was upset b/c i had to do it and stayed back three hours to finish it and help out with the rush that came.

today i worked from 10 am to 11pm. i was pissed.

so i left a LONG, NASTY note.

i don't normally make a habit of doing that. it's my first.

i told her she was not only inconsiderate to the next shift working, but to her own fellow co-workers on her shift as well. i told her she was selfish and not pulling her weight.

i am not apologizing for being assertive b/c the management is not being firm enough.

some one needs to fire her.

*in other news, i'm going hiking tomorrow.

i'm stoked :)