Saturday, June 21, 2008

eyes to see

i heard a song on the way home by brandon heath. give me eyes to see what you see.

I want that to be my prayer. there are so many people that i come across that i just shrug off not have the greatest attitude toward.

Let that be my prayer today.

Yesterday, I learned a vital lesson. Mama taught it to me while we ate lunch together. she told me that the more we rush, the more we are delayed. i found that to be so true b/c the more i rushed, the more i was delayed.

Today, i tried my hardest and only one table didn't tip me (it was a really good reason though) i got really good tips from almost all my tables, but I can't help but feel utterly guilty for the one that i didn't (i actually got tipped for that one, which i shouldn't have)

Lord, give me eyes to see what you see. Let me see what you see in people that my human eyes cannot. Help me to reach out and have compassion for those YOU see and LOVE.

I'm tired. I've worked 46 hours so far this week, but i have to go in for 8 more tomorrow.


I'm pau.

I can't go on. Pray for me. I haven't cracked open the Bible in a couple weeks. I'm really feeling it now.