Thursday, June 19, 2008

i should be sleeping right now, but i think the coffee running through my blood is keeping me awake.

for only three servers working tonight, it was pretty steady. it wasn't too crazy and the tips were pretty good. actually, tips were really good :) ptl!

so here's the story for the night:
i waited on six guys who ranged in ages from later 20s to later 30s... and i found the younger one particularly attractive. i'm pretty sure that this is the first asian guy (in a LONG time... at least a year or two) that i've found really attractive. it's weird that i haven't really seen any really good looking asian guys in a long time maybe it's because the community that i work in has many old, business-y filipino men who i do NOT feel the least bit attracted to.... wait, i think the reasoning behind that is that i'm surrounded by white guys about nine months out of the year... which could explain why i find haole guys attractive. this one wasn't drop dead gorgeous-rockstar/actor handsome or anything. he was a kind of attractive that i didn't feel intimidated by. ya know... the kind where you can maintain eye contact without blushing or looking away. a lot of the asian guys i've seen so far around my age were more like my brother or fem-like (why is there an outbreak of fem-ness in guys here in HI? what the heck?!) so anyway, he left me $25 for a $70 check... which was more than kind. i won't say it makes up for the lack of tips i've been getting. (i don't compare these things like that)... but that was a blessing.

i also got to play w/ a little boy named trevin. he came in with his gramma. upon arriving, i gave him some nickels for the toy machine and let him get some toys. he was a little dissapointed that there were no toys in the machine and the one he got was half of a hollow seal. lame, right? so i dug in the back of the counter and found the coolest toys: a tiger that could be worn on a finger, a tiger stamp, and a little spinner thingie. i think i made his night because his face lit up and he looked right at me and smiled and said, "t'ank you!!"

i work in about 9 hours and should be getting some sleep because i'm working another double shift.

dang coffee.